The Ultimate Minority

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform – Mark Twain

Browsing Posts in Corporatism

What is Capitalism?

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It appears as though most people don’t know what capitalism is.  A recent worldwide BBC poll finds that only 11% of people across 27 countries believe that capitalism is working well.  People want more government regulation. What Capitalism is Capitalism is nothing more than the sum of the individual action of free people engaging in […]

Theory of Bureaucracy


This is my introductory post to go back to first principles, to begin working on the philosophy that  underlies this blog. The blog is about individualism.  The primary counter to individualism is organization, and its modern preeminent form – Bureaucracy.  My life studies in human interaction led me to study the nature and form of […]

Some of the most heated discussion over the bailouts has been around executive bonuses and lavish parties ongoing at the corporate beneficiaries of redistribution. This debate, fueled by the government’s kept media, serves two primary purposes: . . 1)  To redirect the water cooler discussion to the millions in bonuses while distracting the masses from […]

The title of this post is also the title of Chapter 3 of G. Edward Griffin’s book The Creature from Jekyll Island.  The creature he refers to is the Federal Reserve System. If you want to understand the root cause of this bailout, you need to understand the Federal Reserve System.  It is nothing more […]

In my previous entry, for which this follow-up entry is long overdue, I cited government intervention in free markets in the form of war, sanctions, imperialism, and mercantilistic policies as a primary cause for our current woes at the pump.  Today, I’d like to address the other primary cause:  How inflation affects gasoline prices. As […]

I was listening to the Scott Horton Show today on Antiwar Radio, an interview with Bruce Gagnon from The guest had a lot to say about the government’s plans to dominate space and its application in warfare, including some interesting information on plans the government would love to realize giving it the capability to […]

The New York Times recently wrote about these “expert military analysts” so often called on by the government’s propaganda outlets to explain how well the occupation is going. As it turns out, these retired military generals represent 150 companies in the Military Industrial Complex as lobbyists, senior executives, board members, or consultants. They are briefed […]


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As a business owner and a true advocate of free markets, I have, in the past, had a difficult time defending free market principles when people point out the problems in areas such as health care, big pharma, and Enron-type scandals. I found the answer in my studies on corporatism. Corporatism is the dirty relationship […]